I first picked up a brush and started to paint, before I even went to school; I painted the dream, that no words can express. From my early age, I was able to compulsively create realistic drawings, expressing an intrinsic sense of what is elegant, beautiful and harmonious, creating pieces which were regarded as originating from a grown artist; they were actually not far different from drawings that I currently do.

It is so revealing how the final work embodies experiences, influences, aesthetics and a part of the artist’s soul, lying at the heart of the artworks. The sea and the light in Greece are unique and have worked as a catalyst in the artistic look. Growing up in the land of beauty and light, has greatly contributed to developing a deep respect for nature, to appreciating and celebrating the inherent beauty and to shaping my aesthetics. I am thankful that the sea, such a great inspiration, is right outside my window, unescapably motivating me to capture through my artworks.

Original, modern, avant-garde paintings conceived within the world of emotions and inherent beauty.

Captivating, ethereal seascapes and abstract conceptions celebrate beauty and intuitively aspire to uplift your spirit, make you savor the present moment and feel in awe of greatness of life and existence.

Inspiration is drawn by life. Dreams, beauty, nature, love and emotions are the greatest incentives. Capturing movement and savoring the moment with vibrant colors and the with the enhancement of realistic details and irregular surface textures convey impressionistic influences.

The sea and the light in Greece have worked as a catalyst in the artistic look. Growing up and living in a land of beauty and light, has greatly contributed to celebrating beauty and shaping my aesthetics. “I am grateful that the sea, such a great inspiration, is right outside my window”.

Celestial worlds and outer space nebula-inspired conceptions invite to go beyond individuality and bring a sense of connectedness to something bigger than ourselves, reminding us of our ethereal and earthly essence, evoking euphoric and ecstatic feelings.

The vibrant, ethereal seascapes and “the view from above” also imply a more “transcendental” element. To be seeing things and life in a broader perspective conceiving the big picture; to be evolving, rising above and becoming the greatest version of ourselves.

Furthermore, the aerial seascapes, the play with scales and connotations of the human element are part of the appeal and accentuate the feeling of astonishment and awe.

A broad and diverse range of inspiration as well as insightful experimentation and attentive work gave rise to a personal artistic expression and approach. A distinct modus operandi is shaped and I have developed some very own intrinsic techniques and a distinct style.

The process of making a painting is driven by emotions whilst an intricate and sophisticated creative process is employed to master diverse techniques, entailing acrylic and alcohol inks pouring to capture movement and flow, as well as blending with vigorous brushstrokes. Further enhancement with multiple layers of resin and capturing the versatility of the material contributes in creating a three dimensional perspective and the optical water-like illusion, as well as a glossy, high-end, luxurious image.

Bold, embossed 3D surfaces with precious metals, natural materials and sculpture-like texture, give life and depth to the work. The employment of radiant minerals like mica, diamond dust and pigments along with other natural materials creates an otherworldly experience. The shimmering, subtle pigment highlights capture vibrant reflections of light which can only be seen at certain angles, thus inviting the viewer to explore.

​Each artwork is original, exclusive, made by hand and unique. Likewise, what the viewer feels and perceives, is as unique as each painting is; this also is part of its value and beauty.

“I’m portraying the impressions engendered in my mind and my soul, it’s a visualization of emotions”

The celestial worlds and the ethereal nature of the paintings aspire to motivate oneself to go beyond art. To reach the truth, the beauty of simple things, to experience and share the feelings of gratefulness, harmony, connectedness and love.